Since ES6 popularity grows, Javascript Promises use is getting more and more attention.
Many forget that Promise is not just a nice way to simplify callbacks it's much more - keeping the resolution state as long as the Promise is kept in a memory.
Let's imagine a scenario that we have a module that will fetch some information from localStorage or from a server is the localStorage entry one is missing.
Also, let's assume this information won't be updated for entire runtime of the app (e.x. feature flag).
Then, we could do something like this:
const featureFlagFoo = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const cacheKey = 'featureFlagFoo';
const cached = localStorage.getItem(cacheKey);
if (typeof cached !== 'undefined') {
// cached value, resolve immediately
// no cached value, fetch, save, resolve
.then(data => {
const value =;
localStorage.setItem(cacheKey, value);
.catch(err => {
const featureFlagFooPromise = featureFlagFoo.catch(err => handleError(err));
export default featureFlagFooPromise;
This way, the resolver kicks in already during the first execution of the code. Then your code can import the promise and most the _resolve** **_function will be executed faster since it's either resolved immediately, or the fetching started before your code actually asked for it.
import fooPromise from './someFooPromise.js';
fooPromise.then(() => doSuccess).catch(err => showError(err));
Both resolve/reject resolutions are remembered by the Promise. It's required however since latest node versions to always define failed state callbacks, therefore it needs to be defined at least in the module.